European Union: 20 billion euros per year for funding biodiversity

The baseline expenditure to meet the European commission’s biodiversity goals is estimated at around EUR 48 billion annually between 2021 and 2030, i.e. a significantly higher amount than the EUR 20 billion/year highlighted in the Biodiversity Strategy. Measurements and indicators for the agricultural sector have not been defined yet, even though 60 to 70% of soil ecosystems are degraded.

Source: Copernicus

What stops investors from considering biodiversity investments:

According to Credit Suisse, a large majority of investors address biodiversity in their portfolios. However, they encounter obstacles for investing in this new asset class.


Say they lack data availability & metrics


Find no way to value natural capital adequately


Face a lack of internal expertise

Soil biodiversity testing

We use environmental nematodes to analyse the soil biodiversity ecosystem. Soil nematodes are valuable bioindicators of soil health & biodiversity due to their regulated balance between plants and microorganisms in the soil ecosystem (Lu, Q., 2020). This proven method provides qualitative and quantitative information about the soil ecosystem, effectively valuing natural capital. Our technology & network of partners allow us to accurately test soil biodiversity on a large scale.


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